Use this feature to send an auto reply based on specific days and time of your choice. For example, there is a bad weather which causes office to be closed.

1. Click "settings" in the left nav bar

2. Click "Auto Reply" 

3. Click the "Add Auto Reply" in the general auto reply section

4. A dialog opens

  • enter title of the general auto reply
  • enter the message of the general auto reply
  • pick auto reply time. It can be either "send at all times" or "send at specific time"

5. Click "Save"

At one point of time, there is only one active Auto reply. The Auto Reply can be toggled on/off. For example, if you turn on general auto reply during a bad weather. The office hour auto reply will be turned off. Please remember to turn on on office hour auto reply once the bad weather is gone.

Note: our system only sends auto reply once every 24 hours. So if your customer sends you multiple texts, it shall receive the auto reply only once. This is to prevent the auto reply from triggering multiple times within a conversation.