Professionals deal with signatures, a lot. There is a tight deadline, and you are waiting for a signature from your client. It takes forever to wait.

Wait no more.

With WikiPro, getting client signature is like click of a button.

Signature template is where you define the positions of each signature type. A signature type can be signature, name, PIN or date. 

In "Settings" -> "Signature management" -> "Add Signature Template" page, you can create a signature template. You need to enter a name for signature template, upload the common PDF document. 

After this, you can click the position on where the signature location is. A pop up will be displayed for you to classify the signature type.

Each professional is different. But you must always have the same documents for clients to sign. This is the place where you can define the signature template.

After signature template is defined, it is convenient for you to send a signature to your clients to sign. See "Send Signature" topic for details.