What is WikiPro?

WikiPro is a collaboration hub where your team and your clients can work together to get things done. The platform is built for professionals such as accountants, lawyers, agents, marketers etc to management client communication and work flow. 

WikiPro software consists of web dashboard, ios and android App.

Key features

Organized conversation

  • Each conversation is organized by Topic. A topic is organized based the type of tasks between professionals and clients. For example, you may have "Tax filing", "Payroll", "Bookkeeping" topic for accountant. The topic is completed customizable.

Desktop to Mobile Communication

  • Professionals use a  desktop browser to communicate with clients mobile App.


  • You can text enable your business landline. So you clients can call or text you on the same business landline number.

Instant Chat

  • You can instant messaging, push notification. It is so easy to get information from and to your clients.


  • Send a text. Get online reviews.


  • Send a text. Get paid.

Share Files

  • You and your clients can share documents in the mobile App.


  • Get document signed is quick and easy.


  • Specific workflow is built for the professionals so you can track task status and no one is left behind.


  • At WikiPro, security is important to us. We protect your data as if it were our own.